
"Hi Charles, We’ve called her Poppy.
I see in your photos you’ve had a few Poppys and personally I think it’s a name better suited to a Ruby Cav but it’s the name we all agreed on!
She is adorable!
We already adore her and she is currently settled in to the best dog bed in the house!"
Andrea M, Melbourne
Poppy was bred at Kingswear early 2022 and is from a litter of 3. Molly’s Dam is ARUNDELL OLD TOWN BRAIDWOOD and Sire FALCONRISE DUBH RIDIRE

“Molly is back home with us now. She is settled and yes she fast asleep. She is beautiful. Biccy our cat is very curious. Fingers crossed they become best of friends.
She is very active. Loves to play. We have had to give her quiet time in her crate to encourage her to rest. She is playing so hard. She even fell asleep at the vet while she had her temperature taken!!!
Thanks Charles. She is a bundle of energy. She plays for 1 hr after 1 hr of rest and she looks half mad towards the end. She seems to want to keep playing and playing.”
- Marius L, Melbourne
Molly was bred at Kingswear and is from a litter of 3 with the other 2 going to breeders. Molly’s Dam is ARUNDELL OLD TOWN BRAIDWOOD and Sire FALCONRISE DUBH RIDIRE

"He races like a ratbag around the yard chasing Anna picks up a teddy that we leave outside runs for the back door inside into his bed sleeps for an hour or 2.
Then ready for an another play. Real little character. Love him to bits.
I woke him up. Poor little fellows awake now. Enjoying life. Had drink and feed of cubes. Decided it was rest time until i woke him up.
I would say his is very happy enjoying his new life and doing well.”
-Judith M, Horsham
Oliver is an outstanding boy, son of Dam ARUNDELL LAKE BUCKLEY, and Sire FALCONRISE DUBH RIDIRE.

"Diego is turning out to be such a handsome boy. He is just a ball of energy but he also knows when it’s time to relax.
His favourite spot is resting next to my foot when I’m on the couch.
And he can’t get enough of the heater! He has bought so much joy to our family.”
- Paris H, Kulnurra NSW
Diego was bred at Kingswear and is from a litter of 3 with 2 going to breeders. Diego’s Dam is ARUNDELL OLD TOWN BRAIDWOOD and Sire FALCONRISE DUBH RIDIRE

"Teddy is such a dear little boy who is bringing us so much joy.
We're so blessed to have this gentle soul in our lives. He's a playful little boy who loves playing tiggy, dragging bath mats around, taking shoes, thongs and loves ball games.
Teddy loves kisses and cuddles and snuggling up against me. I get plenty of kisses back and loves to come up and have a nurse.
Sleeps on our bed now, so quiet we hardly know he's there. He's certainly managed to mend my broken heart."
-Heather S, Melbourne
Teddy is from our sister kennel Arundell from Dam Delight (ARUNDELL SYMPHONY OF DELIGHT) and Sire Jagger (AUS. CHAMPION CLARELLY PAINT IT BLACK)

"He's doing fantastically well – growing every day, and shaping up into an absolutely stunning Cavalier. His markings are so beautiful and so unique – apart from your Viola, I've never seen another black and tan with the lovely brown ear highlights that curl around to the front!
He's so friendly and sweet and hilarious, and is loving the visitors we can have now that restrictions are mostly lifted – every single visitor wants to steal him because he gives them all so many cuddles/refuses to leave their sides until they leave. He's gotten really great at reading other dogs, too – he's extremely good at figuring out how to react to different temperaments and levels of shyness. Basically, he's still perfect!"
-Ella D, Melbourne
Tony is from our sister kennel Arundell from Dam Aria (LARAPAZ LA BOHEME ARIA) and Sire Honour (AMANCIO HIGHEST HONOUR)

"We like to thank you for our beautiful addition Leyla to our family. She is 5 months now and she is our centre of attention.
We have decided that we would like to give Leyla a friend and that's where you come into the picture.
We would like to adopt another cavalier but this time male cavalier. We are not ready at the moment but in about 6-8 months time we would like to see the litter so we can choose Leylas buddy.
I hope you are well and again thank you for your great work in giving people such beautifully bred cavaliers."
- Ben and Liz A, NSW
Leyla is from our sister kennel Arundell from Dam Melody (ARUNDELL TIMLESS MELODY) and Sire Honour (AMANCIO HIGHEST HONOUR)

"Thank you for sending over Ludo’s pedigree papers – it was lovely to hear from you, and so interesting to see our puppies family tree.
Ludo is doing well — he’s keeping me on my toes with three walks a day, and is surprisingly feisty for a Cavalier!
We just couldn’t be happier with him.
Attached are a couple of photos. My stepson has a golden retriever puppy who regularly stays with us — they wear each out,but not before they’ve always attacked something in the garden (evidence attached)."
-Vanessa R, Melbourne
Leyla is from our sister kennel Arundell from Dam Aria (LARAPAZ LA BOHEME ARIA) and Sire Honour (AMANCIO HIGHEST HONOUR)

'Jed and Lenny'
"I should also add that I’ve spent the last day trying to convince Brooke that a third Cav in our house would be a great idea haha!
Some pics of Jed and Lenny attached.
They are, as always, absolutely awesome."
- Andrew G and Brooke D, Western Australia
Jed and Lenny are from our sister kennel Arundell and are now living happily in W.A.

"It’s going so well. She still won’t go on a lead, but will happily go in the front yard. We had an accident free day yesterday!
She has also been very cheeky and takes delight in stealing Thumpers toys!
Also, I think my brother and his family are also taking a puppy from the same litter (Nathan, Vanessa and Izzy)!!!! A little Black and Tan doggy!"
- Laura J, Melbourne

'Poppy and Daisy'
"Poppy and Daisy have brought so much light to our lives.
We are so glad we got siblings.
They are inseparable.
They have the most gentle and affectionate natures."
-Lisa H, NSW
Poppy and Daisy are from our sister kennel Arundell and are siblings, now happily living in rural NSW.